How to cope during resits

University of Leeds
4 min readAug 1, 2023


If you have to undergo a resit this summer, there’s a whole host of emotions you might be feeling right now — sad, annoyed, stressed, overwhelmed — hopefully you’re not, but it’s understandable and very normal if you are.

If you’re experiencing any of these feelings, this blog will outline a few ways to help you cope with undertaking a resit this summer.

This year’s August resit period will take place from 13–23 August 2024. Find out more details on how to apply and how it all works on the Resits and Reassessment periods page.

Forget the FOMO (fear of missing out)

A massive thing I struggled with when undergoing a resit was missing out on things, especially during the summer resit period. Everybody is on holiday or out with friends, soaking up the sun and just having a fun break and it can be disheartening to constantly be reminded that they’re there and you’re here. It’s a hard realisation to come to terms with.

To help deal with this, the first thing to do is accept where you are and understand that this is where you’re meant to be right now, and this resit is part of your journey now.

A couple of suggestions to help:

Limit social media — staying off social media helped me to focus on what I needed to get done and meant I was affected by what others were doing so I could fully focus on myself. Now, you don’t to be as extreme as that. Maybe just limit your social media use to whatever suits you best.

Image of social media apps on phone
Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

Make plans to look forward to — having things to look forward to once your resit is over is a great way to get you through this period. Putting plans in place is always a huge motivator especially during resit periods when you can sometimes feel a little bit out of step with the rest of your friends and family. So, plan a trip or a movie night; anything that will pick you up and keep you going!

Remember, you’re not alone — resits can sometimes feel isolating as you may think you have to go through the alone, but you don’t. Having a support system in place is hugely beneficial to your emotional and mental wellbeing. Reach out to friends and family, and don’t be afraid to lean on them. And although you might think it, you’re definitely not the only person doing a resit! There will still be others in the libraries and around campus which can be comforting to know you’re not the only one.

Friends sat around chatting

Reframe your resit as an opportunity for growth

The term “resit” can often evoke a feeling of failure which we can often reflect onto ourselves. But all it actually means is to re-do — a second chance. It’s an opportunity to learn and grow from the first time, to figure out what went wrong or to work out a new way to tackle your assignment or exam. And honestly, that’s a skill that’s only going to benefit you going forward. If you can make the active choice to view your resit as an opportunity to improve rather than a burden, it will make the process so much more bearable… and maybe even enjoyable!

Make it an experience

A resit probably wasn’t part of your summer plan, but just because you didn’t plan for it doesn’t mean you can’t make the best of it! Rather than burrowing yourself away in your bedroom hunched over a laptop for hours on end, take yourself out somewhere and make an experience of your assignment or revision.

  • Take yourself to that café you’ve been dying to try
  • Explore some of the public libraries you’ve not been to
  • Make use of the outdoor spaces on campus to get some work done

It’s up to you how you decide to experience your resit: don’t limit yourself! If you’re still in or around Leeds here’s a list of places that are lovely spaces to work in.

Hopefully this blog has helped you navigate your thoughts and feelings around doing a resit this summer. Make sure to still take some time to celebrate the things that have gone well this year and be kind to yourself. Remember, you’ve got this and it’s all going to work out!

Written by A. Iqbal



University of Leeds
University of Leeds

Written by University of Leeds

Sharing news and research from the University of Leeds.

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