Four things to do before you leave for spring break (and one if you’re in Leeds)

University of Leeds
3 min readMar 15, 2023


Spring break is just around the corner. For many it’s a long-awaited time to recharge and relax, but to make the most of that time it’s important to prepare for your break, so we’ve put together a checklist to help you make it easier.

1. Get your studies up to date.

Taking a break for studies is crucial to a long-term success at university, but don’t forget that you’ll be back in class soon. Make sure you’ve completed any assignments that are due before the break and set some time aside if you have to prepare for next ones.

Make sure you have everything you need for when you travel home — books you may need, laptop charger and your notes. Setting yourself up for success will allow you to spend more time with friends and family.

2. Tidy up your room/house.

Spring is the perfect time to declutter and get rid of anything you no longer need. Take a look at your room or house and see if there’s anything you can donate, sell, recycle or throw away. Not only will this make your space feel more organized, but it will also make moving out at the end of the year much easier.

If you have any unwanted food, consider donating to a local food bank.

You could always make some money by selling your unwanted textbooks, clothes, electricals and media and get some extra cash. Check out Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace, you can also read our advice on selling clothes online. And don’t forget the current students Facebook group!

Additionally, cleaning, emptying the fridge and taking the bins out will make it all the nicer for when you get back.

3. Keep in touch.

A lot can happen during 4 weeks away from uni! Make sure you’ve got contact details to keep in touch with your friends whether you’re traveling home or staying on campus — a quick call or text can make a big difference.

4. Keep your student house safe when you’re away.

If you’re leaving your student house for spring break, make sure to take steps to keep it safe.

  • Take your valuables with you — you’ll probably need most of them anyway!
  • Lock all windows and doors. If they don’t shut properly or there’s any problem with door locks, get in touch with your landlord immediately.
  • Don’t leave any valuables in view.
  • Consider investing in a light timer, so that it looks like someone is home even when you’re not.

Find out more top tips about keeping your property safe.

In Leeds over spring break?

If you’re staying in Leeds over spring break, there are still plenty of things to do.

And remember to take some time for self-care and relaxation — you’ve earned it!

We hope these tips help you to have a fun and safe spring break. See you back on campus soon!

