A recipe for assessment season-ing
An assessment is like cooking, it needs happy preparation and a heart…
I like cooking and do not like assessments. However, my parents have always said to imagine you are doing something you like when you are doing the one thing you hate. Likewise with assessments, to like it, I always treat it like something I love to do, cooking!
Follow my recipe below for passing your exams and assessments.
1. Scheduling is the first step
I always plan out how I’m going to prepare for my assessments. I allocate sufficient time to balance assignments, exam preparation and revision. Following a schedule guides the process and like with a recipe when cooking, I try to adhere to the schedule that I have made.
2. Collecting all the ingredients you need
Next, I collect the materials I need for study, such as books, journals, lecture recordings and notes. I can access all the teaching materials and reading lists I need in Minerva and search for useful literature using the University of Leeds Library.
3. Chop, chop, chop! (Read, read, read!)
After I’ve collected all the ingredients I need, now it’s time to turn them into a culinary masterpiece. I break the task down into manageable steps and focus on just getting the ideas down. This part is indeed the most challenging and tiresome. But remember, two-thirds of cooking itself is preparation. Thorough preparation will give the best results.
4. Good food, good mood
When struggling with procrastination and fatigue, I usually move around and vary where I’m working. I’d like to try a new study spot in Kirkgate Market, but you can do other things to take a break and refresh yourself. Afterwards, your mood will improve and help you focus on studying again.
5. Taste your cooking
Now it’s time to taste your cooking! I always revisit what I’ve written and see how I can improve it. I proofread my work and fix any errors in my spelling, punctuation, and grammar. For exams, test your knowledge with practice questions. The importance of your schedule will play a significant role in ensuring you have time ask for help if there is something you don’t understand.
Those were my tips for assessment season! Enjoy the learning process and remember, good food, good mood, good exam!
Written by Deo - Student Ambassador for Digital Education